Local Outreach
- Planning and assisting with the implementation of the church’s health ministry
- Assisting in congregational health surveys as needed to determine the greatest health need
- Strives to develop and implement preventive and health promotional activities
- Assist in presenting educational presentations
An ASL Interpreter is available for in-person services on Sunday mornings and may be scheduled in advance for other planned events/programs. Additionally, assistive listening devices are available upon request in the vestibule. Please see an Usher or Visitor Table Greeter for assistance.
Support Groups
At Clifford, we believe that life changes happen when we gather together on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. We have launched some specific groups that speak to the needs of our congregation such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Cancer Support Groups, and more!
Domestic & International Missions Trips
It has become increasingly clear to CBC leadership that mission efforts, whether domestic or international are a primary thread in God’s weaving of the Clifford Baptist Church garment. All missions are equally important, whether long term, short term, overseas, in another state or locally. The only question that’s important is “are you serving where the Lord has called you?” If you are; then you are just as faithful to the Lord if you serve locally as if you serve internationally. Surrender to missions is a question of obedience; not location or distance.
Gulf Coast, Kairos Prison Ministry Impact Virginia, Mountain Mission School, Cherokee, North Carolina, Charlotte, South Carolina, Standing Rock, N.Dakota, Backpack Ministry, Good News Club,Samaritans Purse, Meals on Wheels
The Lord is touching the world from Clifford and we want to keep doing it as long and in as many places as the Lord will take us.