Throughout the month of September, we will be taking a special offering for our state mission efforts. The money collected will go to the SBCV’s Vision Virginia efforts which directly supports ministries to provide the resources necessary for people to hear the Gospel both around Virginia and the world.
Special offering envelopes will be in the pews and Prayer Guides will be available at the Welcome Desk. Donations accepted through our online giving as well.
Our Goal: $5,000.00 Given to date: $440.00
Last Sunday our Personnel Committee announced that they have chosen Nathan Williams as the candidate for our Associate Pastor position. Here are the important dates to note:
- Sunday, September 15th: Nathan Williams will deliver a trial sermon during our Sunday service. Following the service, there will be a meet and greet in the Social Hall.
- Wednesday, September 18th: We will have a Question and Answer session at 7 PM in the main sanctuary. This is a great opportunity to get to know Nathan better and ask any questions you may have.
- Sunday, September 22nd: A ballot vote will be held to decide on the Associate Pastor position. To vote, you must be a church member and be present in the sanctuary or the parking lot.
We encourage all members to participate in these important events as we seek God’s guidance in this decision.
Check Ins
Last Sunday we will begin using a secure check in system for our children ministry. This will be rolled out in several phases, beginning with the Nursery age group. Then over the upcoming weeks we will add new age groups into our check-in process.
This will help speed up the check in process when the check in system become active for the next groups. Please use this link to provide the necessary information for your child’s check in as otherwise you will have to provide it at time of check in for the first time.
Last Sunday you may have seen that we’ve added parking lot attendants to assist you in finding open spots. They will help ensure efficient parking and enhance safety by managing traffic flow. We’ll reserve the closest spaces for vehicles with current handicap license plates. A golf cart will also be available before and after the service to bring you directly to the door if needed.
Please note that we will direct all traffic leaving the parking lot to turn left from the lot you park in.
We invite you to join us for our annual church-wide picnic on Sunday, Sept. 22nd at 5:30pm at the Clifford Ruritan Club. The church will be providing the paper products, drinks and main course. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share! We look forward to fellowshipping together. Please bring a camp chair or blanket.
LOVE YARD GAME? If you have corn hole sets, frisbees, baseballs and bats, etc., it would be a wonderful time of activities to get some friendly competition going.
RSVP by Sept. 16th to help the Activities Committee plan.
Background checks will take place Sept. 29th, in the social hall, immediately following the worship service. This is for first-time volunteers and those who need to renew. Space is limited to 15 people. You may sign up by using the below link or email Please read the Child Abuse Prevention Policy and complete the Background Check Form before coming. These can be found at
Join us for a one-day retreat in the church social hall. Our guest speaker will be Casey Weymouth from The Fix Ministry! She will be speaking to us about Everyday Evangelism. Learn more about how you can share Christ with those you see around you every day. Light breakfast and lunch (chili, salad, and dessert) will be provided. Registration is limited to 80 attendees and the cost is $20 per person.
Join us October 12, 2024 from 6:00-7:30PM as we gather as ONE community under ONE name – Jesus – for a night of worship in the Amherst County High School football stadium! God has created us “for such a time as this” and He placed us IN this moment, AT this place, for HIS purpose!! This event is open to the entire community so please make sure to join us in worshipping our great God & Savior!!
Speakers: Pastor Jeffrey Campbell, Clifford Baptist Church
Pastor Kelvin Brown, Mount Olive Baptist Church
Pastor Seth Campbell, Faith Baptist Church